It was a fine Summers day and this respectable British family were enjoying a lavish Wedding.
Everyone was having a great time, enjoying the great occasion – drinking, singing, dancing and generally reveling without a care in the world.
Full of festive spirit, the most handsome member of the family (by a long shot) balanced a drink on this lads head, much to the amusement of everyone… well, almost everyone.
His Mom literally sh*t her pants, made a proper mess. Despite having her joggers tucked into her wellies, the foul, wretched human-waste seeped all over the floor, causing several party-goers to slip. Many, although escaping the thick, brown, bubbling sludge, got one whiff of the putrid stench and projectile vomited all over the dance floor.
Even her son, normally used to such depravity, was reduced to tears and doubled up in pain as his internal organs starting melting after inhaling the disgusting sh*t cloud. This in turn, caused the drink to fall off his head.
The toxic fumes came into contact with the alcohol, causing a huge explosion, reducing the venue to a pile of rubble.
The newly-weds managed to escape relatively unscathed, but were so affected by the incident, they both ran in different directions and never saw each other again.